Top 4 Morocco Jewish Heritage Tours

For generations, the Jewish heritage has been intertwined with the Moroccan culture. Morocco Jewish Heritage Tours provide a wonderful chance for Jewish tourists, to experience stories of the Jewish Mellahs, synagogues. Andalusian and Moorish architecture, breathtaking landscapes, tombs and holy sites. as well as the Islamic world’s one and only Jewish Museum.

On Jewish Heritage Tours, you can expect to discover the hidden jewels of Jewish Morocco. In fact, Morocco has magnificent scenery, charming marketplaces, and a substantial Jewish community. Explore the historic Jewish districts of Essaouira, Fes, Marrakech, and Casablanca.

Jewish Heritage Tours can be included in any of your trips to Morocco. Whether you arrive by cruise ship at one of Morocco’s ports, are seeking for a Jewish excursion. or want to incorporate fully guided Jewish Heritage Tours. We will assist you with whatever option you choose!

The Moroccan Cities We’ve Chosen for your Jewish Heritage Tours


Essaouira, also known as Old Mogador, is a popular destination for first-time visitors to Morocco who are intrigued by Morocco’s Jewish heritage and desire to see the Atlantic coast. On Jewish Heritage Tours, discover the Jewish Heritage Sites of Essaouira. In the historic Jewish Quarter, go ahead and explore the Jewish Mellah. The Hiloula, the Ancient Rabbi, evocative door paintings, and carved insignia. 

Join us to visit the Attia Synagogue, the Haim Pinto Synagogue, and the House of Memory. The Jewish Marine Cemetery, isolated from the ocean by a single wall, should not be missed. It features nearly 2,000 tombstones carved of sandstone, in cubist forms dating back to the 18th century. This cemetery also has Rabbi Haim Pinto’s tomb. Today, Essaouira has a total population of 70,000 people. Thus less than 25 Jews whose ancestors have in Morocco since 1700.

The famed Chaim Pinto Synagogue is the most famous and most important Jewish treasure in Essaouira, as is the Slat Lkahal Synagogue, a former communal synagogue that is now undergoing historic rehabilitation. The Simon Attias Synagogue in Essaouira, formerly known as the Bet Ha-Knesset Simon Attias, M’sod Attias, and Shaarei T’filah (bet kenesset, ‘house of assembly,’ was recently renovated. To cap up your private Morocco travel experience. A Jewish Heritage Tour Shabbat meal at a Rabbi’s residence may also be arranged.


The Imperial city of Fes has been reported to have historically harbored the largest and oldest Jewish community in Morocco ever since the 9th century. The Marinides established the Jewish Mellah at Fes El Bali (old Fes). Morocco’s intellectual and spiritual center. A lot of the Jews lived there until they were relocated to Fes El Jadid (new Fes) near the King’s palace. That giving the monarchy full control, over their artisan talents and favorable diplomatic contacts with Europe. 

There are many Jewish sites to be explored in Fes city. The Jewish Quarter of Fes, the Jewish Mellah. And the Ibn Dannan Synagogue which is a 17th Century Jewish landmark, the Talmud Torah Synagogue, and the El Fassiyeen Synagogue should all be visited on Jewish Heritage Tours. Moreover, explore the Jewish cemetery and its white-washed washed graves to learn about the blue-painted tomb as well as the story of Solica. Visiting Maimonides’ house and the Maimonides Jewish Community Center would certainly be a great pleasure for you. Finally, make sure to meet members of the Jewish community for Shabbat Services and eat dinner at a Rabbi’s home or kosher restaurant.


Jewish Heritage Tours allow you to discover the Jewish aspects of Marrakech city. Explore this metropolis of subterranean tubes designed by architects from Cordoba, Spain to supply water and palmery to the town. Visit the 16th-century Ibn Lazama Synagogue, a significant piece of Moroccan Jewish history. Meet Kaa Roumani, a London-based anthropologist who acts as a guide at the Lazama Synagogue. Do not forget to explore the Miâara Jewish Cemetery and shop in the Jewish Mellah’s Old Spice Market. The Rahba K’dima is a vibrant market brimming with traditional Moroccan spices such as cinnamon, cumin, dried pepper, saffron, and many more. 

Remember to ask about Shabbat Services so that you can have Shabbat Dinner with a Jewish family at a private home in Marrakech’s Medina. Speaking of dinner, those who are Kosher can have assured Kosher meals provided at their hotel. Thus they can taste Moroccan cuisine at a nearby Kosher restaurant in Marrakech. All Jewish travel activities are tailored to your Jewish life interests and the time you have available for your particular Jewish Heritage Tours.


Casablanca is well-known for its well-established Jewish heritage. On Jewish Heritage Tours in Casablanca city, Morocco, you will walk in the footsteps of Moroccan Jews who have resided there for generations. Visit the Jewish Museum in Casablanca, the only one of its type in the Islamic World. The Museum of Moroccan Judaism houses a collection of religious, anthropological. Thus artistic artifacts that depict Jewish history, religion, traditions, and daily life in the setting of Moroccan civilization. Zhor Rhihil, the museum’s director, is a Muslim and a recognized specialist, who has hand-selected the collection as well as special exhibitions. 

On Jewish Heritage Tours, you will also get to see Jewish Synagogues of Casablanca, including Temple Beth-El, which is famous for its stained glass windows. The Jewish Quarters (Mellah), old Tombs within the Cemetery, and the vibrant souks. For Jewish tourists looking for a more in-depth experience. Thus there is always the option of meeting the Jewish community, having lunch or dinner at the Kosher Club, and attending Shabbat services on the Sabbath.


On our thorough Jewish Heritage Tours, follow in the footsteps of Moroccan Jews. Visit Jewish Heritage Sites, mainly the famous Synagogues. Like in Essaouira, Fes, Marrakech and Casablanca. Follow in the footsteps of Sephardic Jews, who migrated to Morocco from Spain. Discover Andalusian architecture, and the Islamic world’s only Jewish Museum. 

Experience the Jewish community up close and get a look into the lives of Moroccan Jews. today! Do not worry, Furthermore, Shabbat and Kosher services are also provided on our Jewish Heritage Tours. For more information, feel free to contact us.

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